
Visit my website at www.stevenbradshawart.com!

My body of work is derived from a personal devotion, and is expressed through a highly meticulous style that I’ve struggled my way into over the years. I find that when I get out of my own way I am surprised by how dark the material actually is. Fear of damnation and dread with the Universe are at the core of each piece. Dread is a huge part of what I’m into conveying. The work should read like a tarot card you were hoping you wouldn’t draw. I hope that the iconography communicates on a universal level: both that sense of looming dread and, in juxtaposition with the more profane elements, also a sacred, shrine-like quality. 

One of my favorite artists, Francis Bacon, said, “I want my pictures to look as if a human being had passed between them, like a snail leaving its trail of the human presence… as a snail leaves its slime.” This quote blew my head wide open when I was young. I chase that aesthetic every day, and view my own artwork as a sort of spiritual trail of slime.